Joy Unspeakable exists to encourage, edify, inspire, and stimulate renewal and refreshing in non-believers and Christians through the Gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ.)
Minister Janet D. Briscoe
Minister Janet D. Briscoe is a born-again, Spirit-filled, virtuous woman of God. She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior at an early age while attending a home Bible Study. She subsequently joined the Church of The Holy Trinity in Washington, D.C., and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Her heart’s desire was for a greater knowledge of God and His Word. She found From the Heart Church Ministries (FTHCM) located in Suitland, MD to be the answer to her prayers. In October 1988, she rededicated her life to the Lord and joined the church.
For more than 30 years, Minister Briscoe has found fulfillment and joy while being involved and entrenched in the life of her church. At FTHCM, she has held several volunteer leaderships positions and has served in numerous volunteer ministries. She attended the FTHCM Steven K. Wright School of Ministry and continues to teach classes in the School of Knowledge. She has also taught Enrichment Classes, Noon Day Services, Women of God Lifegivers Fellowships and Women’s Retreats. In addition, she has taught nationally and internationally at church-led conferences.
In 2006, Minister Briscoe joined the full-time staff at FTHCM and currently serves as Director of Membership Care. In this capacity, she is able to serve the people of God and help to meet their needs. As a cheerleader for the Body of Christ, she has been called to preach the Gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ and to love and serve His people. As a servant of Jesus Christ, she takes joy and delight in loving and ministering to the people of God. In July 2012, she preached her Initial Sermon and continues to give God all the glory, honor, and praise for affording her the opportunity to use her gifts, talents and abilities in the service of the Lord!
Prior to joining the staff of FTHCM, Minister Briscoe worked for 10 years at the National Academies of Sciences as the Director of Operations for the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board where she excelled in managing people, processes and technology. Her career spans more than 35 years of managerial and organizational leadership in the administration field.
Minister Briscoe holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management from Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, Maryland. Her continued education includes courses, workshops, and seminars in leadership that have enhanced her personally and professionally.
What I Believe…
I am who I am, and what I am, by the grace of God!
I believe in God the Father, the One, True and Living God. I believe He is the source of all life. I believe He is sovereign, immutable, infallible, and infinite. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. I believe He manifests Himself in three persons – God the Father, who is the Source, God the Son—Jesus Christ who is the way to the Source, and God the Holy Spirit who is the power from the Source.
I believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ – His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, and true humanity. I believe in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. I believe salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as one’s Savior. I believe He is the Savior of the world. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is my access to God the Father. He is my intercessor, mediator, advocate, redeemer and soon coming King!
I believe in the Holy Spirit who is equal in Deity to the Father and the Son. He is the organizer, anointer, sanctifier, director, enabler and helper. Through His infilling, I am empowered to disassemble those things in my life that are contrary to God’s Word; and I am empowered to assemble those things in my life necessary to cause me to be an effective witness for the Lord Jesus Christ!
I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. It was written by Holy men of old as the Holy Spirit moved, and the entire Bible – from Genesis to Malachi and Matthew to Revelation contains all things necessary for salvation, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. The Bible is the blueprint and instructional manual for my life. It has everything I need pertaining to life and godliness; and how to live as a Christian.
I believe that the unconditional love of God is the foundation of my actions; His love causes me to live by the requirements of my faith—the confidence I have in the testimony of God that Jesus Christ is Lord!